Well, it has been almost a week since I came back from my exhausting trip to Salt Lake City. When Mary told me she took about 40 pictures of documents during her research, I just blinked and said "Really, I think I took about 400". I was close, 448. That's just with my camera, that doesn't count the 30 or more I took with my iPhone.
I have pretty much recovered, although not from the weather shock. I really miss my 80 degree days.
Over the next few weeks I will be posting a few items from my trip, but it is going to take me a while to assess the haul. As of right now I am not quite sure if I have anything of significance, as I don't have time to read the material, just find and photograph it.
But, I do have something to share that wasn't from my trip.
Friederike, my new German acquaintance, has sent me something even better than Friederick Karl Isserstedt's birth record, he has found his parent's marriage record.
This is the marriage record of Fred Isserstedt's parents. |
They were married in St. Michael's Church in Hassleben, Germany.
"The 16th of October [1811] bachelor Mister Johann Heinrich Isserstedt ?? citizen and linen weaver of this town, [son of] Mister Johann Carl Isserstedt ?? citizen and linen weaver of this town ?? born in marriage [meaning legitimate], with Magdaline Regine Gross, [daughter of] Johann Nicolaus Gross ?? citizen and neighbor of this town, oldest born in marriage ?? ?? of this town, were married."
The question marks are items that Friedrike was unable to translate or transcribe. He also sent me the records of all the siblings, or at least the ones from the church records, I do not know if there were more. I will post those next week.
Now thanks to Friedrike's help I have gone back two generations, although I am missing the women's names from the marriage record. Of course. I am extremely grateful for Friedrike's help, otherwise I would probably never have gotten these records, as they have not been filmed by the Family History Library. Friedrike tells me that he does this to help other genealogists who have relatives from Hessleben, as that is where one of his ancestors also came from, his RAGK.